Ær Queen

Nicholas and I started presenting at conferences, doing presentations, and even speaking at school board meetings during the height of the COVID-19 lockdowns, and almost everything was virtual. Now that everything has effectively opened up again, we are still making the time to present and share: we want to help give affirming teachers the tools and empowerment to continue affirming their transgender and gender expansive students, and we want the information to be available to as many people as possible (in as many states and venues as we can manage!)
If you haven't had a chance to check out our Upcoming Presentations page, you definitely should, but before you do that here are some ways that you can see our presentations or content in October!
School Board Meeting and Rally: Fairfax County Public Schools
I am speaking during the community participation section of the School Board Meeting on October 6, 2022. I'll be speaking on the importance of affirming transgender students in our schools, and ways that we can continue to protect their rights and the rights of the transgender staff in Fairfax County.
The school board is making their "LGBTQ+ History Month" Proclamation, and many of the other community participation speakers will also be speaking on transgender topics - including several student members of the Pride Liberation Project. The agenda is here, and if you are able to tune in and watch from home you can find that link here. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM, and the Citizen Participation Segment is slated for 8:15 PM in the agenda.
If you are local to Fairfax: consider coming to our rally! The information is here, but make sure to note that only 8.5" x 11" signs are allowed in the school board meeting itself. If you come to the rally and the meeting, you'll have to put your big flags back in your car before heading inside.
Leaders for Inclusive Change Course
Nicholas and I spent our summer creating this course, and the live version is set to start in one week, on October 12, 2022. Currently, there is only one person signed up for the live course so in order to make it run we want to have more people join us! The class is 6 modules, and covers topics such as creating inclusive spaces, internalized homophobia, LGBTQIA2S+ history, and even Queer Joy!
If you would rather do the course on your own time, there is also a "DIY" version with our pre-recorded videos. The content is the same but you won't have access to the live discussions.
Find the link to register for the class here!
Conference Presentations
I will be presenting at four different conferences over the course of this month, so if you are able, there will be many chances to see what we're about!
October 8: VEA EPIC in Richmond, VA
I am presenting Just Gender: Creating and Implementing Affirming Spaces at All Levels, and I am joining my friends Angie and J. Ro to present Supporting Transgender and Nonconforming Gender Students in Trying Times.
The registration for EPIC has closed, but if you are going to be there make sure you say hi!
October 14: Vermont Music Educators Association in Castleton, VT
This conference is in person, but I will be presenting virtually since I will be in Delaware to present that day too (more information below).
I'm going to present Just Gender: Creating and Implementing Affirming Spaces at All Levels at 9:45 AM and Just Gender: Pathways to Inclusivity in Elementary School at 11:00 AM
The link to register is here!
October 14: Delaware Music Educators Association in Middletown, DE
Because I don't know how to not be busy, after I'm done presenting "in" Vermont, I will be presenting the same sessions in person in Delaware.
Just Gender: Pathways to Inclusivity in Elementary School will be at 1:50 PM, and Just Gender: Creating and Implementing Affirming Spaces at All Levels will be at 2:45!
The link to register is here.
October 21: Maryland State Education Association in Ocean City, MD
I will be presenting Creating and Implementing Affirming Spaces at All Levels at the MSEA Annual Convention.
If you're going to be there, make sure you come and say hello!
(But hopefully not until November). Stay "tuned" - we'll post about our upcoming presentations at NAfME, TES, and the other VMEA.